During these times, some businesses may be seriously struggling, while for others it might be a time of growth due to an increased demand for specific services and products. We want to assure you that when it comes to online sales, our teams are here to support you every step of the way and will work continuously to make this period as manageable as possible.
While we are navigating this time of uncertainty, we would like to propose some product options and resources that may help you support your business during these times and take actions that will position your company for success.

COVID-19 Product Resources to
Power Up 2Checkout Clients

As your business partner, 2Checkout wants to support you in times of crisis and to make sure that you are keeping a close relationship with your customers. For this, we've gathered the best tools that can help you maintain a steady profit and not lose customers in this challenging period, and we want to offer them to you for free.

Checkout the tools and resources that will help
you grow in this challenging period

Green Checkmark

Stay tuned. We are preparing more helpful resources.

Stay Tuned

Top Resources from 2Checkout

Ideas on how to grow your business or how to overpass sales fluctuations

Deals will take a lot more time to get through, business growth might stall, and you will feel like you're not doing enough. But remember, it's not just your business that is experiencing these rough times; most businesses and founders are going through similar ups and downs.

Retention strategies

Before looking for ways to acquire new customers, make sure your current client base is being properly taken care of. It's time to strengthen ties with your customers and let them know you are 100% supporting them.
Consumer behavior is already being impacted by this crisis and most probably you have already observed changes in how people are buying or using your products. So now, as much as ever, you have to clearly highlight the value your products are bringing to the table. In your effort to adapt the current situation, remember your customers are fighting the same battle, so engage with them to see how you can help. You'll be surprised to see how your retention rate will look like after showing a little bit more empathy.

Conversion rate optimization ideas

It's time to take a thorough look at your conversion optimization strategies and stick to the ones that are driving a change in your reports. Look at your cart, the checkout page, how people are behaving on popular pages within your website, their purchase flow, and so on. There are a lot of things you can adjust on digital commerce websites, so don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone!

Online events you can attend

We've already seen many physical events cancelled or postponed, with digital versions as their replacements. As social distancing has become a part of our daily life, businesses have quickly adapted to the rules by migrating from the real world into the virtual one. There are also events that were already online, adding to the wide variety of choice you now have to access industry influencers and get ideas on how to move your business forward.

Optimize business operations

Let's face it: we're dealing with an unprecedented crisis, so measures to overcome it should be taken accordingly. Businesses are forced to become digital at a pace that's not easy to support, productivity could reach an all-time low, operations are changing, and new trends in this area are emerging. But don't worry, you've got this!

Improve your communication

It's important to be transparent with your customers and make sure your messages will reach them. And we're not just talking about promotional messages, but meaningful ones, reassuring them they're in good company. Take a look at the channels you're using and how effective they are, and show some empathy and be open to conversation.

Tell Us How Can We Help You

These resources will give you a starting point to take your business through this crisis while minimizing its impact. Please feel free to reach out and tell us how we can help you through these times, or if you have other suggestions for your peers.
Laurentiu Ghenciu