
2Checkout Revenue Uplift Calculator for Online Sales

This calculator simulates the potential revenue uplift you could gain by selling online with 2Checkout. Let's get started!

Before we get into the actual sections, let’s get some basic questions out of the way

Help us understand what your current digital commerce environment looks like:

Do you sell digital or physical goods?
Are you selling to consumers (B2C) or businesses (B2B)?
What is your average order value?
Input the actual value or simply drag the slider on the left
Where are you selling your products/ services?
Where do you have a local business entity?
Can you choose your go-to-market model?
I.e. are you able to choose between a Merchant of Record or a Payment Service Provider model by market (more infohide info).
In the Merchant of Record model, your commerce provider takes care of payment processing, sales tax management, invoicing, compliance, local entities and more. Essentially, they sell the goods, on your behalf. In the Payment Service Provider model, you use your commerce provider mainly for payment processing. You are the merchant of record and take care of sales tax collection and remittance, invoicing, compliance and local entities in the countries where you use this model.
What is your current global cart conversion rate?
Conversion rate = unique visitors in cart/ number of new orders


Do you do cart abandonment/ unfinished payments follow-ups?
Do you run promotions/ cross-selling/ upselling/ bundles?
Do you offer local languages, currencies, localized pricing, local support numbers displayed in cart?
Do you or your eCommerce / payments provider use Intelligent Payment Routing, Failover and Retry Logic? more info hide info
Intelligent Payment Routing enables you to match or route card transactions to the payment gateways best equipped to handle them, to ensure high authorization rates. Failover allows you to save payment declines by redirecting automatically to another payment gateway, should the initial attempt fail. Retry Logic enables you to automatically recover payments for soft card declines. Soft declines refer to temporary issues (such as insufficient funds), with a high probability that a subsequent try would be successful.
Can you easily set up products with different business models?
One time license/ subscriptions/ trials, usage-based etc.
Are you selling products via Affiliates?
Are your site & cart optimized for mobile?
Do you or your eCommerce provider handle fraud prevention and compliance?
Do you or your eCommerce provider do sales tax and VAT management?

Do you have renewals / Do you use a subscription model?

Percentage of renewal types
50 %
50 % Auto renewals
50 % Manual renewals
How can your clients manage their subscriptions?
Renew, upgrade/ downgrade products, cancel subscriptions - check all that apply.
What is your manual renewal rate?
0 %
What is your auto renewal rate?
0 %
Voluntary churn prevention - check what best applies: discounts, migration campaigns, feedback requests
Are you offering recurring commissions/ incentives for sales via affiliates or resellers?

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2Checkout eCommerce Optimization Calculator - Results

Congratulations, you are doing a great job with eCommerce optimization, but there is still room to improve!

You are doing some optimization, but there is still room to improve your eCommerce strategies!

Congratulations, you are doing a great job with eCommerce and subscriptions optimization, but there is still room to improve!

You are doing some optimization, but there is still room to improve your eCommerce and subscription management strategies!

It looks like you have several areas where you could improve your eCommerce and subscription management processes.

Congratulations, you are doing a great job with eCommerce optimization, but there is still room to improve!

You are doing some optimization, but there is still room to improve your eCommerce strategies!

Congratulations, you are doing a great job with eCommerce and subscriptions optimization, but there is still room to improve!

You are doing some optimization, but there is still room to improve your eCommerce and subscription management strategies!

It looks like you have several areas where you could improve your eCommerce and subscription management processes.

Congratulations, you are doing a great job with eCommerce optimization, but there is still room to improve!

You are doing some optimization, but there is still room to improve your eCommerce strategies!

Congratulations, you are doing a great job with eCommerce and subscriptions optimization, but there is still room to improve!

You are doing some optimization, but there is still room to improve your eCommerce and subscription management strategies!

It looks like you have several areas where you could improve your eCommerce and subscription management processes.

Congratulations, you are doing an excellent job when it comes to eCommerce optimization!

By working with 2Checkout and employing more best practices around shopping cart optimization, localization, payments or business models, you could gain a revenue uplift of
By working with 2Checkout and employing best practices around shopping cart optimization, and payments or business models, you could gain a revenue uplift of
By working with 2Checkout and employing more best practices around shopping cart optimization, localization, payments, renewals or churn prevention, you could gain a revenue uplift of
By working with 2Checkout and employing more best practices around shopping cart optimization, localization, payments, renewals or churn prevention, you could gain a revenue uplift of
By working with 2Checkout and employing more best practices around shopping cart optimization, localization, payments, renewals or churn prevention, you could gain a revenue uplift of
By working with 2Checkout and employing more best practices around shopping cart optimization, localization, payments or business models, you could gain a revenue uplift of
By working with 2Checkout and employing more best practices around shopping cart optimization, localization, payments or business models, you could gain a revenue uplift of
By working with 2Checkout and employing more best practices around shopping cart optimization, localization, payments, renewals or churn prevention, you could gain a revenue uplift of
By working with 2Checkout and employing more best practices around shopping cart optimization, localization, payments, renewals or churn prevention, you could gain a revenue uplift of
By working with 2Checkout and employing more best practices around shopping cart optimization, localization, payments, renewals or churn prevention, you could gain a significant revenue uplift of
By working with 2Checkout and employing more best practices around shopping cart optimization, localization, payments or business models, you could gain a revenue uplift of
By working with 2Checkout and employing more best practices around shopping cart optimization, localization, payments or business models, you could gain a revenue uplift of
By working with 2Checkout and employing more best practices around shopping cart optimization, localization, payments, renewals or churn prevention, you could gain a revenue uplift of
By working with 2Checkout and employing more best practices around shopping cart optimization, localization, payments, renewals or churn prevention, you could gain a revenue uplift of
By working with 2Checkout and employing more best practices around shopping cart optimization, localization, payments, renewals or churn prevention, you could gain a revenue uplift of
Challenge 2Checkout to get you one notch higher!
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One of our consultants will be in touch shortly to analyze your site, cart and processes and offer personalized recommendations.
To see what other merchants like you have achieved by working with 2Checkout, view our client success stories here.
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The most flexible digital commerce platform that can give your business a real boost.