
How to integrate WP-Invoice with 2Checkout

Standard Checkout
Process credit cards for your store using 2Checkout's Hosted Checkout.
Inline Checkout
Streamline your payment process by using 2Checkout's Inline Checkout.
Payment API
Recurring Payments
Plugin Required

WP e-Commerce Settings:

  1. Download or clone the 2Checkout payment module at
  2. Upload the files under the “wp-invoice” directory to “/wp-content/plugins/wp-invoice” on your web server.
  3. In your WordPress admin select Invoice -> Settings to open your WP Invoice settings.
  4. Under Payment select 2Checkout.
  5. Enter Display Name. Example: Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, Diners Club, PIN Debit) and PayPal
  6. Enter your 2Checkout Account Number.
  7. Enter your 2Checkout Secret Word. (Must be the same value entered on your 2Checkout Site Management page.)
  8. For demo sales set Demo Mode to Yes. For live sales keep Demo Mode at No.
  9. Under Direct Checkout select Yes.
  10. Copy the URL provided under “2Checkout Approved URL/INS URL”.
  11. Click Save All Settings.

2Checkout Settings:

  1. Sign in to your 2Checkout account.
  2. Navigate to DashboardIntegrationsWebhooks & API Section
  3. Activate Redirect URL: In the Redirect URL section check “Enable return after sale” and for Return method, select Link in the Thank You Page or Redirect Header. Set the Approved URL to the URL provided in your WP Invoice settings (Replace with the actual URL to your domain). Finally, click Update to save your settings.
  4. In the Secret Word section enter the INS Secret Word (it must be the same value entered in your WP Invoice settings).
  5. In the Webhooks and API section, under the Instant Notification Service (INS) card, check the Enable Global URL box.
  6. Enter the Approved URL (it must be the same value entered in your WP Invoice settings) as the Global URL (replace with your actual website URL)
  7. Enable all triggers and click on Update to save your changes

For more information visit:

About WP-Invoice

WP-Invoice lets WordPress blog owners send itemized invoices to their clients. Ideal for web developers, SEO consultants, general contractors, or anyone with a WordPress blog and clients to bill. The plugin ties into WP’s user management database to keep track of your clients and their information.

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