
How to integrate WP e-Commerce with 2Checkout

Standard Checkout
Process credit cards for your store using 2Checkout's Hosted Checkout.
Inline Checkout
Streamline your payment process by using 2Checkout's Inline Checkout.
Payment API
Recurring Payments
Plugin Required

WP e-Commerce Settings:

  1. Download or clone the 2Checkout payment module at
  2. Upload the ‘wpec-twocheckout-hosted’ directory to “/wp-content/plugins/” on your web server and activate the ‘2Checkout Payment Gateway for WP e-Commerce ’ plugin.
  3. In your Wordpress admin select Settings -> Store to open your WP e-Commerce settings.
  4. Under Payment click Settings under 2Checkout.
  5. Enter Display Name. Example: Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, Diners Club, PIN Debit) and PayPal
  6. Enter your 2Checkout Account Number.
  7. Enter your 2Checkout Secret Word. (Must be the same value entered on your 2Checkout Site Management page.)
  8. Select the language you want the 2Checkout purchase routine to be in.
  9. Select ‘Production’ for live mode or ‘Sandbox’ for sandbox mode.
  10. Select the appropriate billing fields for the Forms Sent to Gateway section.
  11. Click Update.

2Checkout Settings:

  1. Sign in to your 2Checkout account.
  2. Navigate to DashboardIntegrationsWebhooks & API Section
  3. Activate Redirect URL: In the Redirect URL section check “Enable return after sale” and for Return method, select Header Redirect. Set the Approved URL to the URL provided in your Wp e-Commerce settings (Replace with the actual URL to your domain) and then click on Update to save your settings.
  4. In the Secret Word section enter the INS Secret Word (it must be the same value entered in your WP e-Commerce settings).
  5. Click Update to save your changes.

For more information visit:

About WP e-Commerce

WP e-Commerce is a free WordPress shopping cart plugin that lets customers buy products, services and digital downloads online.

Simplify the eCommerce process. Try 2Checkout.
The most flexible digital commerce platform that can give your business a real boost.