
How to integrate DJ-Classified with 2Checkout

Standard Checkout
Process credit cards for your store using 2Checkout's Hosted Checkout.
Inline Checkout
Payment API
Recurring Payments
Plugin Required
The plugin is installed normal way using Joomla extensions manager. Install the plugin like any other extension.


After installation you need to setup the plugin.

  1. Open DJ-Classifieds Cpanel
  2. Click “Payments” icon
  3. Open DJ-Classfieds 2Checkout Payment plugin
    1. Set status to “Enabled” - so the payment method is visible on front end
    2. Test/sandbox mode - depending if you want to test it or go live, choose the proper option. “Yes” setting wont create real transaction.
    3. Logging - choose if you want to store 2Checkout callbacks. If set to “Yes” all callbacks will be saved in /logs/djcf2co.log.php file. If your site is heavily loaded it’s recommended to disable that functionality.
    4. Currency Code - type currency code you want to work with, for example: EUR, USD, SEK, NOK, etc. - full list of available currency codes can be found in 2Checkout documentation
    5. SID Code - your 2Checkout account number
    6. Secret Word - your 2Checkout secret word
    7. Notifications URL - use:
    8. Return URL - use:
  4. Save & Close

For more information visit:

About DJ-Classified

DJ-Extensions provides 2Checkout payment plugin for DJ-Classifieds. This plugin is free and you can install it like any other Joomla extension. Available for all active subscribers.

Simplify the eCommerce process. Try 2Checkout.
The most flexible digital commerce platform that can give your business a real boost.