
Reviews and Complaints

File a complaint about 2Checkout (now Verifone)!

To file a complaint or share any type of review or feedback regarding our platform or services, please fill out this form.
We aim to assist you in the best possible manner, so make sure to include your contact details and a detailed description of the issue you're experiencing.

How We Will Handle Your Complaint

  • We will make every effort to resolve your complaint in a timely manner and we will inform you about the resolution via email.
  • If we cannot provide an immediate resolution, we will keep you updated via email about the status of our investigation and the next steps.
Your feedback is highly appreciated in our efforts to improve our products and services.

Submit a Complaint

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Related Resources

2Checkout Merchant FAQ
Merchant FAQs
Find the answer to your inquiry, search through the most common inquiries submitted to our Merchant Support team.
Checkout ShopperFAQs
Shopper FAQs
Find the answer to your inquiry, search through the most common inquiries submitted to our Shopper Support team.
2Checkout Knowledge Center
Knowledge Center
Search through our comprehensive knowledge database for documentation and resources to make the most of our platform and services.
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